Every year SAP gives us an early Christmas present in the form of the 2H SAP […]
You want to know all relevant changes for the 1H-2024 SuccessFactors Release for Integration? Here you can find them!
On November 17th, the 2H-2023 version of SAP SuccessFactors will be released to all customers. Same […]
You want to know all about the new changes for the SuccessFactors 1H-2023 Integration Release? Here you can find everything important!
Mit dem Umstieg von SAP ERP HCM Systeme auf H4S4 muss auch die SuccessFactors Integration in H4S4 umgestellt werden. So geht's!
This article shows how you can analyze the replication payload for error analysis in your SuccessFactors suite using the API Center.
How to set up the employee data replication from Employee Central (SF EC) to your SAP ERP system via Business Integration Builder (BIB).
Ein wichtiger Schritt in Ihrem Integrationsprojekt zu Employee Central ist die Migration der Kostenstellen zu SuccessFactors Employee Central.
How to set up the OM data replication from Employee Central (SF EC) to your SAP ERP system via Business Integration Builder (BIB).
Alles zu Wertezuordnungen für Migration nach SuccessFactors Employee Central per Business Integration Builder erfahrt ihr hier.